Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Once upon a Fall....

....there was the sweetest little MacGruber and his Mama who played and played wishing the beautiful weather could stay forever and the big bad winter would stay away!  Unfortunately, winter is just around the corner and what may be the last day of gorgeous weather is behind us.  But, that's not say we haven't enjoyed every second of it.  We always do, MacGruber!  That's how we rollllll....

As you always say, MacGruber, "This is a fun day Mama.  I like fun days."  Well, this has been a fun couple of weeks too!  Between the sunshine, cool air, visits to the Pumpkin Patch and Petting Zoo, playdates with your best pals and all in all, just soaking up the delicious sunshine, we have been busy.

Two silly monkey's!  And, you are totally saying "cheese" rather than cheesing!

For some reason, this is how "painting" always ends up in our house!

A day of fun and your attempt at phasing out naps!  See MacGruber!?  You still need your sleep kiddo!

Pizza dough in the bread machine...you, Mr. Chef., were amazed at this process!**
**Please note, I did not leave my child recklessly balancing on the edge of the counter!  I did back away from him just for photography sake!



Green Meadows Petting Farm was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!
The goats were the first animals we visited and you thought they were awesome!

The kitty barn with Miss A!  Does life get any better!?

Bunnies and chicks and ducklings, oh my!!  We got to hold and pet and love on some adorable little pets!

Tractor time!

Riding the bumpy hayride for the second time!  We all laughed so hard, and thought this was such a blast!  Your favorite part was all the mud we drove right through!

MacGruber and Lad
I was so proud of you riding the horse all by yourself!  You just jumped right on this big guy!  I was waving and shouting, "Yay MacGruber!  I am SO proud of you!" I even got a little teary-eyed!  (I'm a total baby over my boy!!)

Ahhh..my MacGruber sweet cheeks! 
With "trick or treatin'" right around the corner, and the BIG third birthday soon after, life will continue to be full of excitement and fun!  I can't wait to post about MacG's super adorable Chef costume and the birthday celebration we have planned! 

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